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Crazy World

We are living in a crazy world. Humans have developed a management system based on money. It has many advantages. It also has some serious problems.

We need a paradigm shift. Individuals need a place in society where they can contribute and be rewarded for their service. The current system can make this difficult for some people in some circumstances.

Capitalism works well in a controlled environment. The world is not a controlled environment. A system which demands that some people do without in order to work well for the majority of people is not a just system. We can and should do better.

A simple change should correct this injustice. We have tried welfare and this has only made matters worse. We need to switch from a welfare model to a workfare model. We do need a safety net for some of the people some of the time and everyone in case of major risks which can and do occur.

There needs to be two components to this plan: a Full Employment strategy and a Living Wage guarantee. The basic concept is everyone who wants to work will always have a job earning at least the minimum wage. And anyone working will earn enough to afford housing and the basic necessities of life in the area in which they work.

This simple change in combination with free market capitalism should result in a more just and a more peaceful society.

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