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Economic Inflation Thought Model:


What if we have a large pool of money at the FRB which acts as a buffer to keep the economy stable.

When times are good, we increase taxes to fill the pool.

When times are bad we spend money from the pool to increase market demand.


What if we take money from the pool and deposit one dollar into the checking accounts of everyone receiving less than the median income in any given month. What would be the effect on the economy?

What if we increase the monthly deposit to ten dollars per month? or

What if we increase the monthly deposit to one hundred dollars per month? or

What if we increase the monthly deposit to one thousand dollars per month? or

What if we increase the monthly deposit to ten thousand dollars per month?

and so forth until something happens.

What will happen?

What else?


To control inflation

Therefore, we also increase the national sales tax to reduce the money supply and reduce inflation. We use the national sales tax to refill the pool.


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