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My Findings
Philosophy: the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc.
Conclusion: Since there is no known set of universally held beliefs, we will start a logical argument with a set of assumptions.
My findings after discussions with others:
- Philosophy: The prime constraint on human behavior is to do no harm.
- Philosophy: We all do better when everyone does well.
- Philosophy: The purpose of life is to increase intelligence in the universe.
- Philosophy: The purpose of humankind is to discover and deploy technology.
- Philosophy: Knowledge is the key to success.
- Philosophy: Specialization is the proper response to complexity.
- Philosophy: Technology is good.
- Philosophy: Problems are meant to be solved.
- Philosophy: If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
- Philosophy: The purpose of human life is to serve the betterment of the creation.
- Philosophy: It is in our own best interest to help others be successful as long as they are not doing harm.
- Philosophy: Knowledge is the quest and the reward.
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