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The basic problem is that the American people do not have a clear understanding of the purpose of government.
Principle: Country before party. Any party that violates this principle should not get the support of the voters.
Democracy is not dictatorship by the majority. It involves compromise and trying to keep everyone reasonably happy.
Political Issues: Government does not spend money well - individuals can do a better job. Government should make the rules. Implementation should be by business and individuals.
The path forward:
- First have four separate budgets:
- Federal Operations
- Social Security
- Health Care
- Subsidies for low income families
- Each to be in balance each year
- While allowing the federal Operational Budget to run a deficit which results in 5% interest payment each year.
- Second: Set objective to minimize the number of government employees
- Third: Set objective to replace Welfare with Full Employment policy.
Fixing Congress:
- Constitutional Amendment to limit Bills to single issue and 1,000 words or less
- Take money totally out of the election process.
- Registrars list all candidates getting set number of signatures to run
- Candidates put platform on web
- TV and radio must carry three debates
- All candidates on the ballot get to take part in the debate
- Press should compare the platforms in articles.
If you want to fix politics, give everyone what they want:
- Libertarians - a free market with rules to prevent harm
- Republicans - low taxes
- Democrats - equal opportunity
- Everyone - a job, living wage, equal opportunity, health care, retirement savings.
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