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Technology (the application of knowledge) is a way to reduce the work component of human life and leave more time to pursue enjoyment. We just need to organize things so that the benefits of this reduction are available to all not just the few. That is the job of government not the economy as currently structured. Government needs to define rules that ensure that everyone has access to a meaningful job during all phases of the business cycle and earn a living wage. This wage needs to fund housing, the necessities of life, health care and retirement savings. The economy seems quite capable of proving the productivity improvements. Now government needs to step up the efforts to ensure that everyone benefits.
Examples of technology:
Q. What is technology in the context of social organization?
A. Technology is the total accumulation of human knowledge, social organization and tools built using human knowledge.
Q. Why use technology?
A. Use technology to reduce human labor and increase knowledge.
Q. Why use knowledge?
A. Use knowledge to improve human enjoyment of life.
Please see a new social contract - a way to achieve Full Employment and control inflation.