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Key Philosophical Questions

  1. Does the Self exist? Yes, because I think.
  2. Does the world exist? Yes, because my senses tell me so.
  3. Do Others exist? Yes, because my senses tell me so.
  4. Do humans have Free Will? Unknown
  5. Does God exist? Unknown
  6. Do humans have a soul? Unknown
  7. Is there an after life for humans? Unknown
  8. Is there a Heaven? Unknown
  9. Was the universe created by chance or design? Unknown

How do we handle the unknown?

Q. Do humans have free will?

A. There are two choices: either individuals have free will and are therefore responsible for their actions or every action is predetermined. The world would be a very dull place if every action of every living creature were predetermined. Therefore, we can just assume that all living things react to conditions in the environment and have control over the reaction to change in the environment. Thus, humans have free will and need to use intelligence to make the best decisions in their own best interest.

Q. Does God exist?

A. There are two choices: either a supreme being exist and was responsible for the creation or there is no way to explain how we and the creation came about. Since there is no harm done by assuming that a supreme being exist, we will just assume that God exist.

Q. Do humans have a soul?

A. There are two choices: either each individual has a soul which survives death or life is a one time occurrence and when we die that is the end of our story. Since most people prefer to believe that life has meaning and will be rewarded for good behavior there is no harm done by assuming that the soul exist and will experience an after life.

Q. Is there an after life for humans?

A. There are two choices: either each individual has a soul which survives death or life is a one time occurrence and when we die that is the end of our story. Since most people prefer to believe that life has meaning and will be rewarded for good behavior there is no harm done by assuming that the soul exist and will experience an after life.

Q. Is there a Heaven?

A. There is no observation that supports the existence of a heaven in the universe which has been identified. Given the beauty and mystery of life on planet Earth, we can assume heaven was meant to be experienced here and is just awaiting humankind to overcome our collective ignorance and make the changes within ourselves to allow this planet to be our heaven. We further assume that after death each individual resumes life in a new body, in a new place, in different circumstances. We assume that reincarnation is part of the life cycle of humankind.

Q. Was the universe created by chance or design?

A. Given the collection of human experience, nothing created by humans is created solely by chance. We can therefore, assume that the entire universe was created by design. What harm does it do the make that assumption.

Assumption based Philosophy

While many may choose to not believe these assumptions are true, they give us a way to resolve conflict by the power of assumption. We may proceed to build our collective knowledge on a base of assumptions which everyone just agrees to use when making decisions. As new knowledge becomes available, we can modify any given assumption and any knowledge which depends upon that assumption. In the mean time, everyone is free to explore the creation in the search for better information on which to make our collective lives more enjoyable.

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