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About Economics
A collection of ideas about the economy built up over the years. It started with a question.
Q. Is automation good or bad? You can substitute Technology for automation for the general case.
A. Yes, Technology is good; as with any thing new, it brings its own set of new problems.
After thinking about the Under-employment problem and reviewing economic concepts, I recommend that we all agree that providing Full Employment is a government responsibility.
Thoughts about Capitalism:For critics of my proposal:
Q. Why do you continue to state "It is not the governments responsibility to provide jobs" in the face of an argument that proves otherwise?
About the editor:
I am not a Socialist.
I am not a Communist.
I am an Engineer.
I believe in the Scientific Method.
I believe that problems are meant to be solved.
There are three actors in a capitalism: Business Owner, Laborer and Capitalist.
If you are a Laborer, you should strive to become a Capitalist as well through your retirement savings system. Save ten percent of every dollar you earn. Over time you will increase your wealth by avoiding interest charges. And, your wealth will gain due to inflation and the return on your investments.