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General Knowledge System

General Knowledge System (TM) is a computer program for the collection, organization, and sharing of knowledge.

The General Knowledge System is a knowledge tool. It supports a free form entry and organization of notes about information using a text editor. In addition, it supports the identification of linkage among the information. It is this linkage which provides the knowledge. Human intelligence requires the ability to move smoothly from one thought to another. The links associate information which are relevant to solving a particular problem.

Knowledge needs to be relevant to solving the problem at hand to be of interest to the person (or machine) using the knowledge base. Effective problem solving requires a clear understanding of the problem, a defined objective and sufficient information to allow the discovery of an acceptable resolution to the problem. The knowledge base provides the storage space for the data, information and knowledge to bring to bear in solving the problems of the person using the General Knowledge System. The knowledge base is the organized experience of the user(s) of the system.

Human kind has been collecting information needed to solve problems for a long time. In the beginning, there was a lack of information and a great deal of time was spent trying to discover information. Today, there is a vast amount of information available and people spend a great deal of time trying to learn about what is already known and trying to determine if the known information is useful to solving the particular problem at hand. In order to improve the efficiency of this process, human kind needs to publish and organize the known information.

The world wide web is the focus of a great deal of effort toward this goal. At the current stage of development, more progress has been made with publishing than with organizing. The users of the web still find a vast array of information but a limited amount of knowledge.

The General Knowledge System is an attempt to provide the individual a tool to organize the information of interest to that person. Each person will find a particular set of knowledge useful is solving the problems of interest to that person. No two knowledge bases will be identical.

Using the hypertext model, it allows individuals to collect and organize information as it presents itself during the daily routine.

Information about

constantly presents itself and needs to remembered at a later time.

Items such as

and thousands of pieces of information arrive by voice and paper to be managed by each of us.

This information may be entered in a free-form manner, structured and designed by you to meet your exact needs. You create links where necessary to provide easy and quick access to that vital piece of information at any time.

Furthermore, you'll have a historical record of your personal and team business information that can be analyzed anytime you need to recall the exact amount of a transaction or recall exactly what type of information is needed to solve a business problem.

Over time, this information provides a tangible record of the business experience. This experience can be analyzed and organized to form a knowledge base for future use and sharing with others.

This experience can be shared with other uses of the Business Knowledge System with the Remote Sharing Option feature using a virtual private network over the Internet.

General Knowledge System users may also have electronic meetings with the Group Discussion feature over a virtual private network using the Internet.

General Knowledge System

Key Benefits

[Bullet] User controlled
[Bullet] Easy to use
[Bullet] Inexpensive


Description SKU # Price
General Knowledge System GKS-1.3 99.95

Screen shot of General Knowledge System initial screen.

Questions about General Knowledge System.

Please note: The functions of General Knowledge System are available in My Knowledge Base. General Knowledge System is available as a special order only.

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