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This is the focal point for online support of our products. Please request additional information, suggest new features, and report problems on the support item. Please check the product help item for the latest information on that product.

The currently supported code level for all products is All users should install this level from the PKS Trial package.

Get support for our products.

The following products are under active development.

Help for Personal Knowledge System
Help for My Knowledge Base

The following products are stable at the level.
To run the current code level, please install the PKS Trial package using your serial number for the licensed product and run from the PKS application.

Help for Business Knowledge System
Help for Family Knowledge System
Help for Personal Reference Tracker
Help for Research Knowledge System
Help for Student Knowledge System

General Help topics

[Bullet] Problem reports:

Note for installed users:

General Help topics - History

[Bullet] Installation
[Bullet] Use
[Bullet] Problem reports:

Note for installed users:

Send mail to webmaster@KwBSolutions.com with questions or comments about this web site.
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