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Personal Reference Tracker

Personal Reference Tracker(TM) is a computer program for the collection and organization of information about references.

Using the database model, it allows an individual to collect information about documents used for research.

Information about the reference such as

can be collected for future use.

Related information such as

may be stored with the reference identification to provide a record of information sources.

By assigning keywords to each reference document, a collection of references may be organized using a keyword tree into groups as determined by the user. These references can then be analyzed and organized to form a references base for future use and sharing with others.

Personal Reference Tracker

Key Benefits

[Bullet] User controlled
[Bullet] Easy to use
[Bullet] Inexpensive


Description SKU # Price
Personal Reference Tracker PRT-1.3 19.95

Screen shot of Personal Reference Tracker initial screen.

Please note: Personal Reference Tracker is available as a special order only.

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