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Business Knowledge System Professional Support Pak-One

Business Knowledge System (TM) is a computer program for the collection, organization, and sharing of knowledge. Professional Support Pak-One includes five hours of remote consulting services as well as one license for the Business Knowledge System.

This package is intended for individuals who will provide support for businesses and organizations which desire support beyond the standard online defect support provided with the basic software license. Consulting services such as:

are included.

The consulting service is provided by electronic mail and electronic delivery of materials using the Internet. Availability of services is dependant upon scheduling of the appropriate time for delivery and size of service block desired by the package licensee. Time utilized is determined by the service provider and the elapsed time measured in one minute intervals.

Business Knowledge System Professional Support Pak-One

Key Benefits

[Bullet] Standard off the shelf offering
[Bullet] Easy to purchase
[Bullet] Easy to use


Description SKU # Price
Business Knowledge System Professional Support Pak-One PSP1-3 500.00

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